Home / Services / Circulation Services / BOOKPANDA
Bookpanda Service aims to make the library experience more accessible and convenient for Luking Library users. Our users can choose either to pick up the items in person or to have the items delivered.
Pick Up
1. Placing a Hold: Go to Luking Library Catalog to reserve books or audio-visual materials which are available in the library.
2. Notification: You will be notified through the email when the items are available at the pick-up location.
3. Borrowing: Books will be held at the circulation desk for 5 days. Audio-visual materials will be held at the 2F service desk for 3 days. Please check out your items within the deadline.
The delivery service is for current faculty, staff, students and alumni with the Library cards.
1. Sending the Request: go to Application Form.
2. Borrowing: Limited to the books which are available in the library, and the lbrary will handle the borrowing process.
You can log in to your library account and confirm the libary loans.
3. Fee: All books are sent by parcel post. A fee of NT$80 is charged. You can pay the fee later at the circulation desk.
Contact:Collection and Circulation (For Books)
Phone:11651 (Ext.)
Contact:Innovation and Integration Learning Services (For Audio-Visual Materials)
Phone:11676 (Ext.)