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Home / Learning and Research / Teaching and Research Support / Services for Faculty Research Project


For faculty :

It is applicable to the purchase of books or audio-visual materials using funds from the faculty personal research projects.


According to the school’s procurement procedures:

  • If the expense reaches NT$30,000: 
  1.  A purchase requisition form needs to be sent to your project supervisor for approval. After approval, it will be sent to the accounting office.
  2. Once confirmed by the office, the purchase requisition will be sent to the library Collection and Circulation to check the duplicates for further modification.
  • If the expense is less than NT$30,000, please purchase the items by yourself then proceed to invoicing.


After completion of the purchase, please take books and expenditure vocher with receipts  to the Collection and Circulation for book accession and cataloging. The books will be available for the Project PI to borrow in 5 working days. 

Borrowing :

1. Books of a research project are loaned out by the  project number, which does not affect the personal borrowing rights of the Project PI.
2. The loan period starts from the date of borrowing the book and ends on July 31 of the 5th year. It can be renewed after the expiration of the period.
3. If the books are no longer needed, they could be returned to the library at any time. Once returned, the books would be available for library patrons, not for the projcet exclusively.
4. Audio-visual materials are processed the same as books, but only go to 2F service desk for borrowing and returning.
5. For research projec books, the department shall designate a custodian. If there are any changes to the custodian, they must handle the handover and notify the Collection and Circulation to update the contact.