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   Interlibrary Cooperation of Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan


Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan (ELEUCT) upholds the goal of resource sharing. On a foundation of mutual support and reciprocal cooperation, ELEUCT has enacted the Interlibrary Loan Regulations for the Libraries of the Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan. This is aimed to achieve the shared goal of exchanging and utilizing library rescources among partner schools.

Partner Schools
Tatung University, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chinese Culture University, Shih Hsin University, Soochow University, Tamkang University, Feng Chia University, Shih Chien University, Taipei Medical University, Fu Jen Catholic University, Ming Chuan University, TungHai University, and Providence University

Who Can Apply
Current faculty, staff and enrolled students 

The Interlibrary Loan Regulations for the Libraries of the Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan

                           Service Offering

Interlibrary Card

National Document Delivery Service(NDDS)






Circulating Books provided by partner libraries

Circulating Books provided by partner libraries

"Copiable" collection of books and periodicals provided by partner libraries


Apply for an borrowing card in person with the school ID card at the Circulation Desk.

National Document Delivery Service System 

National Document Delivery Service System 

Borrowing Privileges

With the borrowing card, a limit of 10 books may be borrowed from a partner library, and the borrowing period is 21 days. No reservation or renewal is permitted.

No limit on the number of books
30 days per book

No limit on the number of copies

Overdue fee

5 NT per book per day

In accordance with the rules of partner libraries




100 NT per book, postage-free

A4 size, 2 NT per page, no service fee



Collection and Circulation
Phone:11651 (Ext.)

Knowledge Services
Phone:11633 (Ext.) 