序號 |
報 紙 名 稱 |
紙本館藏 |
館藏微縮片 |
全文影像資料庫 |
1 |
人間福報 |
保留當日 |
2 |
工商時報 |
保留一個月 |
3 |
中央日報 |
X |
民38-86;88 |
民17年2月-民38年4月 |
4 |
中國時報 |
保留一個月 |
民88- |
5 |
中華日報 |
保留當日 |
民60-80 |
6 |
天主教周報 |
保留當週(2025/3起停訂) |
7 |
民生報 |
X |
民67-88 |
民88-95年11月 |
8 |
民眾日報 |
保留當日(2024/9起停訂) |
9 |
自由時報 |
裝訂保留半年 |
10 |
青年日報 |
保留當日(2024/9起停訂) |
11 |
國語日報 |
裝訂保留半年(2024/9起停訂) |
12 |
產經新聞(日文) |
裝訂保留半年(2024/12起停訂) |
13 |
朝日新聞(日文國際版) |
裝訂保留半年(2024/10起停訂) |
14 |
經濟日報 |
保留一個月 |
民85- |
15 |
電子時報 |
裝訂保留半年 (2024/12起停訂) |
16 |
臺灣新生報 |
X |
民60-77 |
17 |
聯合報 |
保留一個月 |
民40-88 |
(全國版)民71- ;(地方版)民82- |
18 |
International New York Times |
裝訂保留半年(2025/05/21起停訂) |
19 |
Taipei Times |
保留半年 |
序號 |
書 碼 |
刊 名 |
館 藏 內 容 |
數 量 |
1 |
P805/Ame |
American Literature |
V.16-30,1944-59 |
2 |
2 |
P910.0905/Ann |
Annals of Tourism Research |
V.1-14,1973-87 |
8 |
3 |
P574/B52 |
Biochemistry International |
V.20-28,1990-92 |
3 |
China: Internal Affairs, 1945-1949 |
75 |
4 |
P420.705/Col |
College Composition and Communication |
V.22-30,1971-79 |
1 |
5 |
P809.05/C738 |
Comparative Drama |
V.1-8,1967-75 |
1 |
6 |
P051/C869 |
Criticism |
V.12-21,1970-79 |
1 |
7 |
P.661.81405/St28 |
Die Starke=Starch |
V.28-45,1976-93 |
14 |
Formosa: Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs, 1950-1954 |
17 |
Formosa: Internal Affairs, 1945-1949 |
3 |
8 |
P790.5/Jou |
Journal of Leisure Research |
V.1-18,1969-86 |
16 |
9 |
P809.04/J826 |
Journal of Modern Literature |
V.1-6,1970-77 |
6 |
10 |
P428.4/J826 |
Journal of Reading Behavior |
V.1-21,1969-89 |
18 |
11 |
P495.107/J826 |
Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association |
V.1-24,1966-89 |
19 |
12 |
P820.9/N42 |
New Literary History |
V.1-7,1969-76 |
3 |
13 |
P428.4/R227 |
Reading Research and Instruction |
V.25-28,1985-89 |
4 |
14 |
P813.05/Stu |
Studies in Short Fiction |
V.1-6,1963-69 |
1 |
15 |
P809.305/St94 |
Studies in the Novel |
V.1-6,1969-74 |
1 |
16 |
P111.85/B777 |
The British Journal of Aesthetics |
V.9-25,1969-85 |
13 |
17 |
812.52/In4 |
The Plays of William Motter Inge: 1948-1960 – an abstract of a thesis |
1 |
18 |
P790.2/T34 |
Theatre Research International |
V.1-6,1975-81 |
6 |
19 |
P059/5564 |
中央日報 |
民38.3-86,88 |
203 |
20 |
P802.05/5600a |
中國語文 |
No.1-143 1952-1966 |
7 |
21 |
P059/5464 |
中華日報 |
民60-80 |
135 |
22 |
P790.5/0027 |
文物 |
1950-66(1953(1)(4-7)) |
17 |
台糖通讯 |
1947.5-1949.4 |
2 |
台湾物价统计月报 |
1946.2-1949.3 |
1 |
台湾糖业季刊 |
1947.10-1949.4 |
1 |
台湾诗荟 |
1924.8-1925.10 |
1 |
台纸通讯 |
1947.8-1949.7 |
1 |
23 |
P059/7724 |
民生報 |
民67.2.18-88 |
162 |
24 |
P790.5/4440 |
考古 |
1955-66 |
12 |
25 |
P790.5/4474 |
考古學報 |
1936,1947-49,1951, 1953-60,1962-65 |
8 |
26 |
P050/5000 |
東方雜誌 (上海商務印書館版) |
1904-41,1943-48 |
116 |
善后救济总署台湾分署月报 |
1946.1-1947.4 |
1 |
路工月刊 |
1948.1-1948.9 |
1 |
27 |
P059/4302 |
臺灣新生報 |
民60-77 |
83 |
28 |
731.57/0326 |
戰中期植民地行政史料 |
26 |
29 |
P059/1284 |
聯合報 |
民40.9.16-88 |
276 |
农报 |
1947.7-1948.12 |
1 |
国民教育指导月刊 |
1946.8-1947.4 |
1 |
序號 |
書 碼 |
刊 名 |
館 藏 內 容 |
數 量 |
1 |
R016.008/4000 |
74-77學年度各校院研究生 博碩士論文提要 |
民 74-77 |
264 |
2 |
R016.008/4000 |
78學年度起各校院研究生博碩士論文提要 |
民 78-81 |
307 |
3 |
P338.105/Am35 |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics |
V.71-76,1989-94 |
114 |
Annual Book of ASTM Standard |
1992 |
964 |
California State University Sacramento |
1990-92 |
2 |
4 |
P664.705/C334 |
Cereal Chemistry |
V.57-73,1980-96 |
178 |
5 |
P658.403/D357 |
Decision Sciences Institute Annual Proceedings |
1990-97 |
76 |
6 |
P791.4/F487 |
Film Quarterly |
V.24-31,1970-78 |
42 |
7 |
P664.00154/F739 |
Food Chemistry |
V.35-57,1990-96 |
222 |
8 |
P664.005/F683 |
Food Hydrocolloids |
V.1-7,1987-93 |
74 |
9 |
P658.4/In8 |
Interfaces |
V.19-24,1989-94 |
78 |
10 |
P664.0705/J826 |
Journal of Food Protection |
V.43-58,1980-95 |
289 |
11 |
P330.072/J826 |
Journal of Regional Science |
V.29-34,1989-94 |
57 |
12 |
P540.5/Jou |
Journal of the American Chemical Society |
V.117(1)-120(48)(50,51),1995-98 |
968 |
13 |
P338.479105/J826.1 |
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing |
V.1-3,1992-94 |
23 |
14 |
809.89282/L881 |
La literatura infantil y juvenil en la ensenanza-aprendizaje de la lengua y literatura |
1 |
15 |
P307.12/L239 |
Landscape and Urban Planning |
V.15-37,1988-97 |
132 |
16 |
P333.73/L239 |
Landscape Journal |
V.6-15,1987-96 |
42 |
17 |
P407/L269 |
Language Learning |
V.30-47, 1980-97 |
174 |
18 |
P306-4812/L535 |
Leisure Sciences |
V.1-10,1977-88 |
79 |
19 |
P790.0135/L535 |
Leisure Studies |
V.1-10,1982-91 |
70 |
20 |
P515/M42 |
Mathematics of Computation |
V.67(221),Sup.,1998 |
2 |
21 |
P610.5/N42 |
New England Journal of Medicine |
V.302-335,1980-96 |
1827 |
22 |
P051/New |
Newsweek |
V.107-133,1986-99 |
1001 |
57,68,70,92,94,98,99 |
2834 |
Out-of-Print Books on Demand Author Guide |
1992-93 |
14 |
23 |
P428.4072/R227 |
Reading Research Quarterly |
V.20-26,1984-91 |
63 |
24 |
P641.1/B777 |
The British Journal of Nutrition |
V.53-68,1985-92 |
166 |
25 |
P647.905/Cor |
The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly |
V.1-28,1960-88 |
224 |
26 |
P574.072405/F26 |
The FASEB Journal |
V.1-7,1987-93 |
276 |
27 |
P820.9/J826 |
The Journal of Commonwealth Literature |
N.9-10,1970;V.6-8,1971-73;V.14-24,1979-89 |
68 |
28 |
P547.005/Jou |
The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Supplement |
V.58(1)-V.63(25),1993-98 |
1189 |
29 |
P641.1/P942 |
The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society |
V.45- 51,1986-92 |
68 |
30 |
P330.5/Rev |
The Review of Economics and Statistics |
V.61-76 index;V.71-76,1989-94 |
73 |
31 |
P051/Tim |
Time |
V.127-140,1986-92 |
642 |
32 |
P910.5/Tou |
Tourism Management |
V.3-8,1982-87 |
33 |
33 |
P664.005/T722 |
Trends in Food Science & Technology |
V.1-6,1990-95 |
58 |
34 |
P070.5/Uni |
U. S. News & World Report |
V.100-113,1986-93 |
457 |
University of Oklahoma |
1992-95 |
2 |
35 |
P338.4779/V825 |
Vision in Leisure & Business |
V.13(4)-V.18(4),1995-99. |
26 |
漢鑫公司微縮出版品目錄 |
1994 |
1 |
電話:11633 (分機)